East Ridge Elementary
We strive to create well rounded individuals through academic programing, immersion in the arts, and experiential learning. School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports are utilized, and all learning is based around the Iowa Core Academic Standards.
News & Announcements
Orders due February 16, 2025
11 CCA Wrestlers State Bound!!
The Results are In - 3 Speech Groups Chosen for All-State Speech, the highest level in the Iowa High School Speech Association.
Congratulations to The Boys of Waterloo (Choral Reading), Catch Me If You Can (Musical Theatre), and Improvisation group, Dumpster Fire!!
Large Group All State Festival: February 22, Iowa State University
The CCA High School was awarded the Credentials to Child Care Careers grant after Mrs. Overholser, Family and Consumer Science Teacher, successfully applied for the competitive grant.
CCA is one of nine Iowa schools to be awarded funding from the grant. The grant will provide curriculum and support for students to attain national child development credentials for child care careers.